
Monday 3 February 2014

Italian Twist Roll

Italian Twist Roll 

Theme: roll and baked

1 ¼  cup all purpose flour/maida
½  cup water
½  tsp salt
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp olive oil

4 tbsp. Italian mix
4 clove chopped garlic
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp red chilly flax

1. Mixed yeast, sugar and warm water and keep it aside for 5 minutes to proof.
 2. Mix maida and oil .
 3. Add proofed yeast to dry ingredient and mix well to form a soft dough.
 4. Knead for 10 minutes.
 5. Oil a bowl and place the dough into it.
 6. Cover the bowl with wrap or cloth and set it aside for 1 hour or until double.
 7. Dough size will double after 1 hour.
 8. Knead it and roll in a circle .
 9. Cut the circle in to three part.
10.Make the ball of  three parts.
11.In a bowl, mix italain mix,garlic,oil and chilly flax.
12.Roll it into small circle and Place 1tbsp in the center of the circle and bring all edges together.
13.Roll it  into oval shape and cut the strips as shown in photo.
14.Roll it as show in the photo
15.Place it on the baking tray.
16.Preheat the oven at 180C.
17.Bake it for 20-25 mins till golden brown.
18.Serve hot and enjoy with dip

                                                         mix oil and salt in maida.

                                                              Add proofed yeast.

                                                         knead it.

                                                           make a fine dough.

                                                      roll and divide into 3 parts.

                                                          roll one part.

                                                             place stuffing in the center.

                                                            bring all the edges together.

                                                                 roll into oval shape.

                                                         cut the sprips .

                                                              roll it.

                                                   place on baking tray and bake it.



  1. Mmm.. love how the cheese is oozing out of those rolls.. so yummy..

  2. Wow, yummy twisted rolls!

  3. lovely looking rolls, loved the step by step capture

  4. wow thats an perfectly baked twist bread :) looks super tempting !!

  5. Very lovely bread..With all that garlic and seasoning it must have been heavenly!

  6. The stuffing sounds delicious and nice step by step pics...

  7. This is such a cute looking roll! Love it...

  8. Very nicely made..shall try it out sometime.

  9. I have chosen this theme for one of the weeks and my ideas were running around dessert themes. :) These rolls look lovely. Must have tasted great.
