
Wednesday 8 January 2014

Egglesss pineapple up down cake

Eggless pineapple up down cake-( without oven / On Gas)


For cake:
2 cup maida
5o gm butter
1 tbsp powder sugar
1 cup chopped pineapple
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp cooking soda
2oo gm milk maid
1 tsp pineapple essence
¾ cup

 For caramel:
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 ½ tbsp. butter
2 tsp butter

For layer
4 pineapple slices (I used canned )
10 cherries

 Place paper in the baking pan than grease butter/oil on all sides of pan.

To make caramel:

1.Add butter and sugar in the pan and heat until both melts.
2.Now add water and keep mixing under the medium flame for 3 mins .
3.Remove from flame and immediately pour it into grease baking pan.

For layer:

1.Drain the pineapple from the syrup in the tin.
2.Now arrange them on the top of caramel layer.
3.Arrange the cherries as you desire and keep pan aside.

For cake:

1.Mix maida ,baking powder and cooking soda .
2.In a bowl ,add butter, sugar and milk maid and beat until creamy.
3.Add chopped pineapple and essence and mix well.
4 Add maida and milk one by one and mix well.
5.Preheat the oven at 180C
6.pour the batter over the arranged pineapple.
7.Bake the cake for 30 to 40 mins.
8.Check by in inserting a tooth pick in the center if the tooth pick comes out clean it means cake is done.
9.Remove from oven and cool on the wire rack.

Make on gas:

1.Heat the deep bottom pan / pressure cooker on medium heat.
2.Do not fill water in pan/ cooker.
3.Place a lid/ separater( that comes with the cooker) in the pan.
4.Cover the pan with a plate (this process called preheating).and heat for 5 mins.
5.Place  the baking box  in the pan and cover the pan /cooker with plate /
cooker’s lid(Remove the whistle.
6.Turn the flam to low
7.Bake the cake for 40 -50 mins unitl the tooth pick comes out clean.

                               Add butter, milk maid and sugar and beat them

                                          beat until creamy

                              mix maida ,baking powder and baking soda

                                    make caramel

                                   Spread the sauce in the pan

                              Place the pineapple and cherries on the sauce

                                           chopped pineapple

                                Add chopped pineapple  in the mixture.

                             heat the deep pan and place the separater.

                                       place the plate on it

                                      Add flour and milk in mixture and mix well.

                                       Pour the batter in the baking dish.
                                          Place the box in pan.

                                        cover the pan with the plate

                                                  baked the cake and turn carefully.



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